Saturday, December 3, 2011

Photo shoot

Hello Friends!
What a BEAUTIFUL day it was today!
I hope you got to spend some time outside if it was as pretty at your house as it was at mine.

Do you remember a few weeks ago when I posted about some props I made
for upcoming family photos?
Well, the pictures have arrived and I wanted to show you how they
turned out.

First I showed you this pendant necklace I made for some maternity pictures.

Well here is the finished product in the pictures...
Hope you like it :)

I also showed you the Christmas tree I spray painted for our Christmas card picture.

To bad we didn't get to use any with the tree...
Zadie didn't feel like smiling ;)

I'll show you a few more ideas from pinterest I tried to recreate.

Warning: You will see bare belly and bare baby booty.

I love this Bubble gum picture.
Pinned Image
It is such a cute idea, but it did not turn out quite as cute for me.
I also loved this picture.
that's what's up
I think it is so artistic and tasteful.
Mine is a little more scandalous but I still like it.
This baby picture stole my heart.
I actually like the way mine turned out better.
(Probably because I just love THIS cutie bootie!)
I adore this photo.
mommy + toddler pose.  cute.
We couldn't remember exactly how it went so we kind of improvised.
Here are a few more I just love from the shoot.
(Sorry for the picture overload,
but if you're like me you are ALWAYS
looking for new ideas!)

~happy family photos

1 comment:

  1. Did you take all the pictures yourself? or have a professional photographer? They are amazing!!!
