Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rain, rain go away....

Don't let the post title fool you,
I LOVE rainy days.

They are the perfect days for working on homemade Christmas presents.
I am in the throws of a couple of presents and I wanted to share them with you.

I do not have any pictures of my own
well, I'm not done with anything yet :)

But I did want to share two projects I am
working on and the sites I got the ideas from.
Just in case you need some inspiration!

First, I am working on a baby blanket for my
soon-to-arrive sweet
niece or nephew.
(They aren't finding out!!!)

I am mostly following the directions from this blog post.

Secondly, I am making four photo calendars,
following the directions (mostly)
from this blog post.
I usually make and buy photo calendars for all the grandmas from Walgreen's,
but this idea is so stinking cute.
so far I have only spent the amount on all four that I usually spend on
ONE when I order them.

My finished project pictures are coming soon! (I hope ;)

~Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I love rainy days too, especially when I can stay inside all cozy and dry. :-) I so love that calendar!! What a cute idea.
