Wednesday, August 29, 2012

a few of my favorite things *A BIRTHDAY PARTY!*

mentioned recently that my oldest goose just turned two.
Young birthdays are sort of tricky for me because Zadie can't tell me what she wants the theme of the party to be.
I mean, she LOVES Curious George, but the idea of a yellow and red theme didn't really appeal to me.
Plus all the game ideas I came up with for that theme were just to old for Zadie,
and a birthday is meant to celebrate the birthday girl so we should be doing things she enjoys right?!

cutie putooty!

So the decision was made- it would be a day all about Zadie.
I went with the theme "A Few of Zadie's Favorite Things"
The color theme was pink and turquoise...
and it turned out PERFECT!

The next few post I am going to share some of the things I made for the party.
Today I want to show you a super simple project that I am in. love. with.

I wanted to put fresh flowers on the food table but I didn't have anything to put them in
luckily I had two glass bottles just lying around ;)
I used this tutorial and it was so informative!
I mean glue and food coloring...
I like that supply list.

And if you don't mind an itty bitty picture,
this is what they looked like on the table.

A little bottle with big impact!



  1. Oh my what a beautiful baby! (And a great photo!) Love the blue vases. I haven't tried that yet, but I want to!

    1. Thank you! you really need to. It is FAR to easy!

  2. I love the bottle blue vases ideas. If u need ideas a great site I used to help me out with my daughters party is or their party site. Anyway new follower

