Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sidetracked... Craft closet

If you read my post yesterday you read a very motivated pillow maker sharing some ideas. When that motivated pillow maker got off the computer to begin working she came to a very sad realization. She had no place to sew :( If you read my post on the pallet shelf then you saw the picture of the desk with my sewing machine on top. Well that desk was sold this weekend and my sewing machine lost it's home. I have known this time was coming and I have been trying to come up with a solution. Then, one day, while scrolling through pintrest I had an epiphany! Why not make that weirdly shaped storage closet in the hallway a small sewing closet. I measured, sweet-talked the hubs, and then got to work. Here is a picture of what we started with.
I cleaned the closet out first.
Then I painted it with some paint that we bought last year at a yard sale for like $.50. Then we cut another shelf and painted it. The board for that shelf was about $6.
It loos good huh!?! Brent even made a little cord hole for me in the shelf. Sadly we woke up poor Zadie in the process of installing this shelf.

She was not very pleased with us! My goodness this little girl sure does make life more exciting!
Here is the finished project so far.

Pretty good for a day's work! So far this sewing closet has cost us about 7 bucks. I am pleased with that!
But we are far from done! As all of you crafters out there know the space is only the first step; now we are on to storage. I played on pintrest for a while last night and created a craft closet board. I really like the idea of the peg board on the door, the baby food jar storage, and the magnetic paint cans. As you can tell, I am far from finished! So look for future posts on the Craft closet!!

Currently, Brent and I are debating lighting for the closet. I, being the frugal momma, want to get a couple of these tap lights.
Thomas & Betts HS4720B Push On Light

And Brent being the "buy better and only buy once" type wants to buy these lights.
Lumen 3 Pack LED High Output Spotlights with Remote Control

He will probably win because he is usually right about these things. You better NEVER tell him I said that though!
Now that my sewing machine has a cozy little home be expecting those cute little pillows!
~ have a cozy little day!

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