Friday, May 17, 2013

Easy Peasy homemade babyshower gift

My dear friend is having a sweet baby girl soon. I needed something to give her besides my go-to baby shower gift, my personal lifesaver, the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. (affiliate link) So I made a couple of sweet outfits for her.

I used the circle skirt pattern from MADE and dyed cotton onsies to match. I love sewing for newborns because  it always looks like little doll outfits!

The flowers on the headbands were made by following this tutorial.  the only change I made was to not use any felt instead I used fabric circles for the base.

I am excited to hand this gift over this weekend and I am even more excited to see a sweet new baby in this outfit!


  1. Just adorable. I'll have to try this next time I have to do a baby gift.

  2. Cute!! I really love the yellow skirt!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party
