Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday lovelies

It's Friday ladies and I am in LOVE.
Last weekend was so simple and full of family time.
It was lovely.
This weekend I am longing for...

Just a little taste of cooler weather
Pinned Image

Pumpkin carving time

a nice long family bike ride
(And yes we do kind of resemble this when we have the whole posse)

and lots of warm cozy drinks

It's almost the weekend, Wahoo! We have been fighting off some nasty colds this week and I am ready to finally shoo them away. We have big plans to spend time with family and friends we have not seen in a long time.
We have a soccer game to watch, costumes to perfect, and a festival to attend.... throw in a little pumpkin carving time and it sounds like a really dreamy weekend to me.
Now to just get my voice back and all the snot out of my nose.

So what do you have going on this weekend? Anything fun? Or do you have my favorite kind of weekend of all in front of you- no plans at all! Whatever you do make it good!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

a broken computer and the final installment of kcwc

So I had a little accident last week.
I was writing this post, the last installment of kcwc,
when I spilled an ENTIRE cup of water on my computer.
sad day.
Good news though- they saved her!

Well since this post is already so late I will get straight to the point.
Zadie baby needed new pajamas in a BAD way.
She did rock the high waters though ;)

I found the cutest solid flannel an sale at Jo-Ann and it was pre-ruffled- heck yes!

So I bought a couple of colors.
I really wanted to make a top to go with them but I did not have enough fabric
and I didn't want to spend any money.
Good thing I was INCREDIBLY lazy and instead of filling a new bobbin I just used contrasting thread.

Into the refashion stash I went.
And luckily I had two  little shirts who were dying to become Zadie's.

A few new seems later we had some cute new PJs for miss Zadie pie!


Monday, October 15, 2012

kcwc day 5 (a little late)

I had sew :)  much fun participating in kcwc!
6 out of 7 days were spent sewing away 
(well for an hour or two at least)
I have a couple more projects to share with you.
I know I am a little late getting these up, but this weekend was cray-cray!
Last night was the first time I had a moment 
but a cup of hot tea, snuggles with the hubby, and Sherlock won out.

Do you watch this show?
I really cannot believe I am going to have to wait another YEAR (or more) before the next season comes out.

Anywho, I tried my hand at a cute pair of shoes for Mattie girl for the 5th day of kcwc.

I really love how they turned out.

Some TOM-esqe stitching really made them pop.

I used this pattern for size 0-6 months.
Mattie is 9 months old now and they are a little big on her.
Boy oh boy do they look cute on her though!

I'll be back tomorrow with my last project.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

KCSC day 4

Can I just say I. LOVE. COTTON.
Especially sewing with it.

I finished these bad boys in a day.
Take that knit ;)

I used the 2/3t pattern provided and it is a perfect fit.

Funny side note:
Zadie liked her pants so much she pooped in them. 
She hasn't had an accident in weeks, yet the first time she wears her brand new pants she POOPS!
Dang, I may give up :)

In her defense she was having the time of her life playing with her cousins at my grandmother's 84th birthday party.

I think it is pretty fitting that her birthday fell on this week, a week I dedicated to sewing.
She is an incredible seamstress and the person who taught me to sew so many years ago.
She is one amazing lady!

Tomorrow I am planning on tackling some shoes for my sweet Mattie-girl.
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sugar Plum Capris kcsc day 3

(I totally took pictures without even trimming the strings.I suck)

Yes it is day 3 and this is my first finished project. :(
Sometimes I hate knit-
that is, until I see the finished project.
Then it all feels worth it.

These sugar plum capris are a free pattern from Susan at Living with Punks.
Zadie is currently between a 2t/3t and this pattern fits her great.
They obviously aren't capris but hey that just gives us some room to grow!

The best part- they are play ground approved.
I forsee several more pairs in my future..
I will win in my battle against knits ;)

Next up we have cotton folks, PTL!

I hope you are getting in on the fun of kids clothing week challenge at Elsie Marley!
Hopefully I will be back tomorrow with another new piece (fingers crossed)


Thursday, October 4, 2012

The flower tunic

I finally took a picture of one of my sewing projects!
*Happy Dance*

The other day I got the strongest urge to create.
I really wanted a simple sewing project and this was the perfect one.
Have I told you lately how much I love pinterest.
It is seriously so nice to have all your projects stored in one place!

Jessica from me sew crazy was nice enough to create and share the pattern for this flower tunic.
Lucky for me it was the perfect size for miss Zadie!
I got to try my hand at fussy cutting for this shirt (notice the neckline)
and it was so fun to see how much a little bit of effort could really change a garment.

Thankfully she LOVED it!

The lovely part for me was that it only took one nap time to make!
Darling little girl...
Cute little shirt...
It is so fitting.

If you are looking for a pattern to use for kcwc you should totally add this one to the list!


Linking to these great parties

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Garden name stakes

We planted the fall garden last weekend and I was thinking it looked a little blah.
Rather than waiting for the actual plants to grow I gave the garden my own pizzazz!

The scrap pile gave me a few beauties.

Martha helped me with the letters

These little cuties were born.

Aren't they cute!
*Best Part* 
I got to finger paint the words on the sign.
It took me back to my younger years :)

Disclaimer- I am well aware that the broccoli sign is spelled wrong. I am terrible at spelling. The hubster is generally pretty good. We disagreed about how to spell broccoli. I listened to him. He was wrong. Now every time someone points out that it is spelled wrong I can tell them that story.
I am obviously a fabulous wife ;)

Much love

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday is for the moms

* Disclaimer* I have decided to learn how to really use my camera... yesterday was the first day taking pictures in manual mode... these pictures are all from yesterday... i am not a quick learner ;)

My baby girl is 8 and a half months old and a spitfire! Unless she is sleeping, she is ALWAYS moving,
an arm, rolling around, or her absolute favorite- kicking something.

She started to crawl this past week... you know that cute little army crawl. She is so stinking pleased with herself! I see my life getting MUCH more hectic. 

We had a rainy day yesterday and Zadie's curls went CRAZY!
Oh how I hope these curls never go away.
I may never cut her hair just in case ;)

Mattie loves seeing herself in the mirror.
I wish this picture was a video and you could hear her sweet belly laughs.
This girl was cracking herself up!

Do you remember when we were having a baby shower for this little girl.
I can not believe how quick time has gone.
and I can not wait to watch these two become best friends!

I think Sphinx Moths are so cool!
My in-laws get them ALL OVER their ginger plants.
We seriously take chairs outside some evenings and just watch the action.

The beginning of last week was hard in mommy-ville.
A weepy, defiant two year old and a baby who seemed to hate sleeping,
by Wednesday this mamma had jumped on the crazy train.
Thankfully I have sisters.
After putting the girls to bed, I met up with one of them and spent time venting and laughing.
Even though I got less sleep that night I woke up Thursday morning rejuvenated and liking my kidlets again.

It solidified the point that I have to take time for myself.
So  I will.
And my family will be happier.
Take that!

I am ready for a great week. I have a million projects on my to-do list.
To bad I have a million chores on it too!

Cheers to Monday and crawling babies and sweet toddler curls.
It is great being a mom.
(most of the time ;)
