Tuesday, September 4, 2012

a few of my favorite things (the outfit) *A BIRTHDAY BASH*

No birthday is complete without a new outfit, right!
After I won this super cute organic cotton fabric from simplifi fabric I knew Zadie needed a birthday oufit out of it.
I really wanted to showcase this sweet fabric so I decided to make Dana's circle skirt.

I really loved how quick it was to make and how stinking cute it turned out!

There was still plenty of material left over after the skirt and I  really wanted to make something that had her age on it, mostly for the pictures, so I decided to made a crown.
Luckily I remember this fabric crown tutorial from The Little Giggler that even has a FREE PATTERN.
This was another easy to follow tutorial that was finished in one nap time.

To bad she decided to not cooperate for the pictures.
This is what the majority of the pictures looked like from the shoot.

This makes me laugh out loud every time I look at it!
I love my little drama queen.

And here is a picture of the birthday girl at her party in all her glory.

(This is not pee on my shorts, I swear ;) It is my war wounds from a water gun fight!)
Can you tell this little goose was having a good time!
This is what a sugar high looks like y'all :)

What this mamma loves is:
The crown went into the dress up bin and is worn fairly often still
and she wears the skirt once a week!


Linking to these great parties!


  1. She looks so cute!! Thanks for using my tutorial. :) I'm going to share this on my facebook page. Have a great day!

  2. So cute! I love the little crown- it almost inspires me to be more crafty. Maybe when I have kids I'll share adorable stuff like this. Love it! Just found your blog and have enjoyed getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)
