Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tomato tips and a yum yum yummy recipe!

Can you guess where I just was?

Holding my sweet new NIECE!!!
Yes, she is finally here and she is so precious.
In my husband's side of the family that makes the score
granddaughters: 5
grandsons: 0
We love us some girlies!!

The hubster and I do not consider ourselves master gardeners.
This is actually only the third year we have grown one.
We are just trying to figure it out still ya know.

We joke sometimes that we would probably save money just buying the in season veggies from the  grocery store.
Hopefully, in the years to come that wont be true ;)

That being said our tomato harvest has been A.MAZ.ING. this year!
I wanted to share a few novice tips that have really helped us out.
You may know these, but if not- YAY! 
Maybe this will help your garden.

  1. Plant Marigold flowers around your tomato plants to ward off bugs and bring in bees.
  2. Save old egg shells and lay them around your plants. It gives the plants much needed calcium and makes the soil happier too!
  3. If you live in a hot area (like Florida) you need to get an early producing variety of tomatoes such as early girls. They just don't like the heat...(I totally understand!)
Hope those help!
If you have any other tips for me... feel free to share.
Especially some tips for Zucchini and Squash.
We are about to give up on them completely :(

Anywoo, if you have had fabulous luck like us and have tomatoes coming out of your ears....
You will LOVE me for sharing this recipe!

(I didn't make mine vegan)

P.S. sorry for the poor picture quality :(

Much Love